
Showing posts from June, 2011

What is like to be me!

A story that might help understand what is to have a chronic or "invisible" disease as in my case would be diabetes and bpd... My best friend and I were in the diner, talking. As usual, it was very late and we were eating French fries with gravy. Like normal girls our age, we spent a lot of time in the diner while in college, and most of the time we spent talking about boys, music or trivial things, that seemed very important at the time. We never got serious about anything in particular and spent most of our time laughing. As I went to take some of my medicine with a snack as I usually did, she watched me with an awkward kind of stare, instead of continuing the conversation. She then asked me out of the blue what it felt like to have Lupus and be sick. I was shocked not only because she asked the random question, but also because I assumed she knew all there was to know about Lupus. She came to doctors with me, she saw me walk with a cane, and throw up in the bathroom. S...


Hay quienes dicen que el tiempo y el espacio es subjetivo,   que en realidad no existe, que solo vale el aquí y el ahora… y que pese a nuestra inconformidad de nuestro aquí y ahora, forjamos nuestro futuro en base a las decisiones y acciones que tomamos a lo largo de nuestro desarrollo. Aun así, yo me pregunto ¿qué si nuestro aquí y ahora, no es el nuestro?, ¿que si estuviéramos equivocados?, ¿y si nuestro aquí y ahora realmente estuviera en otro lado? Muchos predican que para poder estar en el aquí y ahora donde queremos estar, solo hay que desearlo, sin embargo si ese fuera el caso, si el lugar donde estamos es donde debemos estar, ¿por qué desear estar en otro lado?, y si deseamos estar en otro lugar ¿significa que estamos en el lugar equivocado? El saber si estoy o no en el aquí y ahora correcto, no es la hipótesis que quiero resolver, si no es que si el lugar en el que quiero estar seria realmente el lugar correcto para mi…. ¿a dónde realmente pertenezco? En un mundo...


What would you do if your time was over? What would you do if your life changed? What would you do if you had to leave? You could probably stay and leave things as they are, or maybe go for that little adventure that you always wanted to, but what is the purpose of it and not enjoy it as it should be enjoyed if you knew that what is coming ahead is not what you wanted... What would you do if your feelings spoke to you? What would you do if you fell in love? What would you do if you listen to your heart instead of your head? It might not be the worse thing to do - sometimes - when you truly feel it, yet it is painful and scary, so you do nothing just to keep pretends, not letting your guard down, but so what... it is nice to see people all sweet and honey, just hope they don't come running after you for consolidation when they are all heart broken... What would you do if you had money? What would you do if you had everything that you wanted? What would you do ...


So... To all of those who wonder what happened to all the things I had written... well, thanks to Microsoft is all gone, except of a few things I managed to recover scratching through old docs. Unluckily, there were many things I posted that I truly liked, it is a shame that is all gone... That being said, I'd like to start by publishing some of the things I found lying around!