
I used to say I am... so, now what? (Don't care, I'm happy!!)

Gosh.... Dunno even from where to start...!! (I am actually shaking!!) Sorry, this will be a bit long... 21 years..., 21 LOOOOOOOOOOOONG years, and yet.... it still feels like yesterday... 21  years ago (12yo then... year was 1996) I was diagnosed with diabetes type 1 (aka juvenile, insulin dependant, "the worst/bad kind" 😂); and I still remember very clearly everything before, during and after the diagnosis, from months of not knowing what was wrong, having finally a diagnosis - which by the way was given on December 18th -, how afraid I was to go for the first time in my life to the hospital of the IV - got out Dec. 24th - , and my mom ever so after that saying/asking: "you can't eat that", "have you taken you're glucose?", "have you eaten?", "have you put you're insulin?", "how did it get that low/high?"; some how one way or another... there wasn't a year I was hospital free... Then complication came....

Last night...

Last night. laying at the edge of my bed, I had a wonderful dream, so that reality almost seemed like a nightmare. I had it all! I was happy! I was not alone! Last night I woke up in the middle of the night, Where did the dream go? I woke up alone, again... Last night, I sat down on the side of the bed, missing you... thinking of you.. wondering where you are... Last night I blamed myself... for I don't know what pondering if I should apologize for whatever I've done wrong even though I'm not sure what that is. Last night I was afraid scared of the distance and the indifference that kills me slowly but i can constantly feel their presence... Last night I wished you were here close to me! I wished... ...for your embrace ... for you kiss. Last night I cried a little... even when I tried to swallow the tears hoping it would be easy... to forget, to let go... why is it so hard? Last night I hoped for answers for a r...

Those monsters in the closet

There are couple of monsters in the closet that hide way back in the dark cold corner. I found them again last night... These monsters, every now and then, like to come out and play... alluring me to go along, every so often seducing me into their mind games. I fight the temptation... most times I win, sometimes it's too strong... And, especially at nights, they start calling my name, calling me things, implanting vague and discomforting thoughts of memories I believed were a thing of the past and very well forgotten (apparently not), making me remember of those long lonely nights of rainy May, remembering the days when I tried to survive the pain, and a good day was one where I was able to hold a one way conversation with a supposed significant and oh so very absent other. I try to hide under the blankets, but is no use... the more I hide the more present they become... until they start screaming and shouting and crying and yelling and laughing... I want them to shut up! Pl...

Over the years... and I'm back!

Wow, 4 years since I last updated the blog. I can't believe how fast time goes by... Now I am older, wiser, and even stronger.... erm; let me rephrase: even though many things never change with time, I have experienced stuff that differentiate me even more from other people my age. I've experimented grief, I've become even more ill, I've let people I care for and people I love go; once more, I've been disappointed by some, and been hurt by others: but I've also had jobs I enjoyed and learnt more, I've uncovered abilities I ever imagined having, I have discovered how strong and willing I can be and I have laughed more than ever, I've also some very awesome people and re-encountered with others. Now, being back to the place I consider my home, I feel happy again! And even though I would want for things to be slightly different, I can say I am better off here than I ever was back in Mexico. Not that I wasn't happy there, but there was that ...

Que fue primero....??

¿Qué fue primero, el huevo o la gallina? Es una pregunta que puede ser aplicada a muchas cuestiones.... Y en cuanto a relaciones sentimentales, se plantea de la siguiente manera ¿Qué es primero, el amor propio o el amor de pareja? La respuesta en la segunda pregunta es obvia... A pesar que se tiene que encontrar un balance entre el amor propio y el amor de pareja, si uno esta en desigual, entonces ya no se le puede llamar pareja... que en si, quiere decir, a la par... Si el amor propio, no es suficiente, o este esta en desequilibrio, es importante tomar un paso atrás para hacer un autoanálisis de que es lo que esta mal en la vida personal o con que se esta a disgusto... Pero... y el amor de pareja?? A pesar de que el amor hacia la pareja persiste, no es sano ni justo arrastrar a la persona amada por el mismo camino... Muy a pesar del apoyo que este te pueda brindar, la persona que esta en discordia personal solo causará problemas dentro de la relación, haciendo que esta pueda ...

Amor... sueño, fantasía o realidad?

¿Cuándo es que termina el amor y empieza el enojo? ¿Qué tanto es tantito para poder perdonar palabras dichas y reacciones infantiles? ¿Existe el verdadero arrepentimiento cuando hay amor real? ¿El amor debe sobrepasar las fronteras del orgullo y terquedad? Usualmetne no son preguntas que uno se pregunta a diario, ni tiene porque preguntarselas. Pero son inevitables cuando sientes que todo lo bueno que has otorgado se va a la basura por un mal entendido, una reacción de debilidad o por palabras dichas al aire sin sentido y sin razón. Para muchos es fácil olvidar y perdonar, para otros no tanto... pero el que perdona ¿hasta cuando tiene que perdonar? y el que no ¿hasta que punto debe doblegar su orgullo? La mayoria dejamos de ver los defectos de los demas, y los dejamos pasar por que es mas grande el amor que sentimos hacia la otra persona, muchas de estas veces hasta cuando nos hacen mas daño y nos hacen llorar; pero aún así lo dejamos ir... Y cuando realmente dejamos ir física...

Tinta y Papel

Un cigarro que se quema lentamente sobre el cenicero, una copa de vino medio llena tal vez medio vacía, y en el centro papel y tinta se vuelven a unir recitando sentimientos vagos, contando historias sin antecedentes. De algún corazón que alguna vez se rompió, y volvió a querer sin precedente alguno, cuyo se levanta de la nada, sin prejuicios y muchos miedos. Tinta y papel vuelven a ser testigos de historias fallidas y de triunfos sin méritos, ellos vuelven a reescribir las historias que alguna vez dejaron atrás, con cambios constantes, iguales y contradictorios, empapando de negro o tal vez azul aquellas lineas blancas de infinita inconsistencia. Es aquella esencia de las figuras que se forman la que carece de valor y que llenan de emoción o alguna lagrima a personas insignificantes para el mundo, pero el mundo para una sola. Son observador y narrador de interminable lucha, con un final inconcluso, volviendo a empezar cada linea como una nueva historia. La tinta china es la que ...